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Creating Connections to Personalized Care

We connect people to healthcare providers virtually

Our team focuses on personalized care and meaningful interactions for every individual.

Offering complete end-to-end support and collaboration, the OHS Telehealth Platform enables virtual video visits connecting health care providers and participants, including urgent care and scheduled visits, as well as team meeting reviews.

OHS recently received more than $4.4 million in federal (CDC), state and local grants for its telehealth operations.

Virtual Care Center

Located in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, our center is staffed with dedicated and experienced licensed healthcare providers.

Our services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with one-on-one support. We provide care from registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, medical assistants and peer support specialists.


Chronic care management with a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Our chronic care management focuses on Substance Use Disorder (SUD), congestive heart failure, chronic pulmonary disease, hypertension and diabetic management.

Health services offered include prevention (screening and immunizations), nutrition and diet, wellness, education, mental health monitoring – all with access to our Virtual Care Center.





mental health


Contact us today to learn more about our leading technologies!